I recently watched the movie Air. I absolutely loved it. Note: if you don’t want spoilers, you may want to skip the next two paragraphs. Air is a story chronicling how Nike, the underdog in those days, steals Michael Jordan away from Adidas and Converse. With the cards stacked against Nike—they had a much smaller budget than their big-brand competitor, Adidas—it was conventionally assumed that Michael was better off signing with a more established brand.
APIs and their integrations are paramount for the inner and outer workings of SaaS organizations. As such, pricing strategies for API products have taken center stage for businesses as a crucial determinant of success. APIs have become the linchpin of modern software development, enabling applications to communicate, share data, and provide enhanced functionality.
If you and your team are ready to transition from the slog of manual testing to faster automated tests, codeless test automation tools might hold a lot of appeal. Chances are, you don’t have and don’t want to hire (expensive) QA engineers to wrangle complex, open source testing solutions like Selenium. You want your front-end developers focused on shipping code, not getting mired in test suite maintenance in Cypress.