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Announcing Unravel 4.8.1: Maximize business value with Google Cloud BigQuery Editions pricing

Google recently introduced significant changes to its existing BigQuery pricing models, affecting both compute and storage. They announced the end of sale for flat-rate and flex slots for all BigQuery customers not currently in a contract. Google announced an increase to the price of on-demand analysis by 25% across all regions, starting on July 5, 2023.

How Let's Encrypt Powers Confluent Cloud to Automate Its Certificate Operations

Since the inception of our cloud journey, we have extensively utilized Let's Encrypt because it has been very reliable, fully automated, open, and free. Today, we’re proud to become an official sponsor of Let’s Encrypt. In this blog post, we’re celebrating this event by explaining our journey with Let’s Encrypt, how we integrate with their service, and why we chose them.

Harnessing Google Cloud BigQuery for Speed and Scale: Data Observability, FinOps, and Beyond

Data is a powerful force that can generate business value with immense potential for businesses and organizations across industries. Leveraging data and analytics has become a critical factor for successful digital transformation that can accelerate revenue growth and AI innovation.

What is Image CDN, and Why Is It Important?

In the visually driven age of the internet, the importance of delivering high-quality images seamlessly and efficiently cannot be overstated. Websites and online platforms strive to provide users with impeccable visuals, making Image Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) a cornerstone of modern web infrastructure. Let's discuss what CDNs are, their significance in images, mechanics, and the best choices in the market.

Manual versus Automated tests: Consider this...

Jason Baum and our special guests Marcus Merrell and Evelyn Coleman talk about when automated testing goes wonky! Discover valuable insights into failures in automated testing and how to avoid them. Join the Sauce Labs community, for finding and resolving issues, enhancing your testing understanding, and supporting one another in creating software, testing, and automation.

Top 5 QR Code Generation Platforms

QR codes have entirely transformed how businesses connect with their customer base. These intriguing square-shaped codes house embedded information that can be effortlessly scanned using smartphones, directing users to specific websites, enticing landing pages, or irresistible promotional offers. The versatility of QR codes knows no bounds as they seamlessly integrate into many marketing campaigns, ranging from product packaging and print advertisements to innovative business cards and beyond.

How to Build QA at Scale Through Device Architecture

Let’s start with some absolutes. Maintaining a steady CI/CD pipeline is crucial to modern software development. Testing and quality engineering principles that drive solid deliverables should be flexible and agile. QA teams need hundreds of device and O/S combinations. With those non-negotiables in mind, how would you implement a flexible device architecture to support ongoing and evolving needs to assess mobile and web applications?

IoT Data Integration: Challenges and Solutions

The adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices continues rapidly. When you look at what businesses gain from their IoT implementations, it's easy to see why. IoT enhances an organization's operational efficiency by monitoring or automating key business processes. Maintenance, manufacturing, and supply chain have all been revolutionized by IoT. The wealth of data generated by IoT devices bolster business intelligence and data analytics. And that leads to a better understanding of the customer experience.