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Encapsulation in OOP: Definition and Examples

Programming is all about solving problems. An essential aspect of solving these problems through software is modeling and embodying real-life entities and manipulating these abstractions in a structured way to simulate operations and get things done. Different programming paradigms approach this facet of writing code differently. One of the most popular of these paradigms is object-oriented programming (OOP) that deals with class templates and their object instantiations.

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Five steps towards better software for A11Y accessibility

The A11Y movement is an important one, because it refers to how accessible software is to everyone, ensuring that apps can be used by the maximum number of people to ensure inclusivity. The A11Y is a numeronym, with 11 referring to the number of letters that the word 'accessibility' contains between 'a' and 'y'. Nor is this just about reaching the most potential customers: with increasing numbers of websites and apps being used for healthcare, government and more, A11Y has become a must. After all, in many countries, accessibility is a right protected by law.

Happy #26 Anniversary JavaScript!

On the 26th anniversary of JavaScript, it's hard to fully measure the impact of this "open-source, cross-platform language for enterprise networks and the internet." It has transformed the landscape of computing by becoming the top language in development. Its community has grown significantly and taken a vital role in the evolution and, of course, support of JavaScript. It's a tremendous achievement!

Developing Manufacturing Agility for that Competitive Edge

Agility is one of the most important elements to the success of today’s manufacturing organizations. The ability to respond quickly to customer needs as market conditions change gives organizations a competitive edge while maintaining product quality and minimizing costs. Intelligent process automation is at the heart of making an organization's supply chain and operations more efficient, flexible and resilient.

How to Log to Console in PHP

As a programming language, PHP is a developer favorite. An essential PHP programming best practice is how to log to console in PHP. Today, we’ll lay out how you do that. PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages for building web applications because it’s easy to use. But no matter what you build, logging errors is key to ensuring a short code-test-learn feedback cycle. PHP is uniquely designed to be good for building web applications.