Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Process Monitoring in N|Solid [2/10] The best APM for Node, layer by layer.

When we are executing an application with a significant number of processes, we cannot afford to stop the operation to review what is happening outside of production, for this reason, a tool that allows us to have greater observability and a level of detail is key in the management of our project.

A Brief History of Disastrous Game Launches - and How to Keep Your Title Off This List

This summer marks the 40th anniversary of one of the most beloved American films of all time, E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial. E.T. was by all accounts a smashing success to the tune of $800 Million at the box office and cemented Stephen Spielberg as one of the most talented young filmmakers in the world.

SaaS in 60 - Create and Share Qlik Application Automation Templates

This week in Qlik Application Automation you can now save your automation workflows as templates for others in your organization to use and build from. After designing your workflow for a specific task, simply right click on the canvas and choose Save as template – a window will appear prompting you to add a name, description and thumbnail and visibility status – choose Shared to make this automation available to others in your tenant.

How To Create Company Behavior Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules based on company behavior or demographics via Saved Cohorts within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.