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REST API Observability for Python

In this blog post we’ll help answer the age old question, “What does this service talk to and what does it say?” We’ll see how to inspect inbound and outbound REST API calls to see what calls are being made and what incoming traffic causes a reaction. This can be pretty handy when you’re taking over maintenance of an existing service, or if your code just isn’t behaving the way you expect.

Heroku Private Space and mTLS

Due to the increasing number of ransomware and security breaches, premiums for cyber-insurance have gone up by 10 to 40 percent in recent years. Ara Aslanian, CEO of Inverselogic says “Minimum security requirements have definitely changed, especially the way insurers review the companies," Aslanian says. “Previously, the checking process was mostly conducted by self-assessment, which meant the insurers would send companies self-assessment sheets for them to check the boxes.

2021 - The Year of Innovations for "Jobs to be Done"

While COVID-19 continues to cause devastating disruption to the global economy more than two years into the pandemic, it is also continuing to force remarkable innovation across different industries. Companies have found new ways to sell, service and operate during the crisis. For me, there is one common theme for these innovative companies, including Qlik, and it is “Jobs to be Done.”

Insomnia Projects: API Collaboration and Documentation

We don’t build our own ticket tracking systems or email clients, so why do we expect every person who joins a team to build their own collection of snippets for interacting with internal systems? These systems are usually not well documented, and the only way to learn how to use them is by asking someone or reading source code. Let’s learn how to use Insomnia Projects with our new collaboration features to provide a prebuilt collection of sample requests, plus documentation about the purpose of each endpoint so that your new team members can be productive on day one.

CSS Selectors And XPath Locators In Selenium Test Automation Scripts

One of the most important aspects of automated web application testing is having a good grasp of using locators. Locators allow retrieving DOM elements from the web page. Interacting with web elements during automated tests allows to create end-to-end tests that simulate real users behavior. In this blog post, we will talk about two types of locators – CSS selectors and XPath.

SQL Performance Tuning: 9 Best Practices for Developer

SQL performance tuning is a difficult task, especially when working with large amounts of data, where even slight changes can have a significant (positive or negative) influence on performance. A Database Administrator (DBA) will be in charge of most SQL performance adjustments in mid-sized and large businesses. However, believe me when we say that there are plenty of developers that have to perform DBA-like jobs.

Moving At DevOps Speed With In Sprint Automation

From the traditional Waterfall model to more iterative approaches like Agile and DevOps, software testing is constantly evolving. And while teams have worked their way to deliver quality at speed, there seems to be something holding them back. Read on to learn about in-sprint automation and why it’s the key to moving at DevOps speed.